Trusting God


TRUST is a big word. A hard word. A word that so many people have a difficult time with.

Trust is hard to regain if you’ve lost it. Trust is hard to give when you are not certain how it will be handled.

Trusting in a human being can be nerve-wracking; trusting in someone you can’t even touch or see can be downright scary.

The definition of trust is “the assured reliance on the character, ability, and strength of someone.”

It is a person’s character, ability and strength that gives us reason to trust them or not.

If that’s true with a person, then it is most absolutely true with our God!

Proverbs 3: 5-6 (TPT) tells us: “Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on Him to guide you, and He will lead you in every decision you make.”

Of all the years I’ve known and walked with God, I can tell you this:


God is worthy of your trust, even when the people around you have broken your trust. His character, ability and strength have stood the test of time and when people let you down or disappoint you, God will not. When people break the trust that you’ve asked them to handle with care, God will not. When people’s character, ability and strength fail you, God’s will not.

I’ve also come to realize this truth: It’s hard to trust someone you don’t know ~ the more you know God, the more you can trust Him!

Jeremiah 9:23-24 (My life’s verses) says this: “Let not the wise man boast (trust) in his wisdom or the strong man boast (trust) of his strength or the rich man boast (trust) of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS Me (God).”


If you are having a hard time trusting God for a situation in your life, my question to you would be: “How well do you know God?”  Because the more you know Him and understand His heart, the more you will realize that:

He is good.

He is gracious.

He is just.

He is forgiving.

He is holy.

HE IS TRUSTWORTHY. Totally and completely worthy of our trust!

In what area of your life are you needing to trust God most today?

The more you get to know Him, the more you can trust Him.

You get to know someone better by spending time with them.  That’s true with a person, but it’s also absolutely true with God. In order to know God better, you must spend time with Him! In prayer, in His Word, in the house of God and with the people of God.

The more you begin to know Him, the more trust you will have in Him!

There’s an old hymn that I remember fondly from my childhood that speaks so beautifully to trusting God. As you read these words, my prayer is that you stop working so hard trying to trust God but start desiring and working hard towards KNOWING GOD.

“Tis So Sweet"
"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus~
Just to take Him at His Word
Just to rest upon His promise,

Just to know, "Thus saith the Lord!"

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I've proved Him o'er and o'er
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!


By: William J Kirkpatrick and Louisa M.R. Stead. Written in 1882